Les scientifiques russes sont contre des expertises humanitaires peu scrupuleux et la légitimation du savoir pseudo-scientifique
Lettre ouverte

Les scientifiques russes sont contre des expertises humanitaires peu scrupuleux et la légitimation du savoir pseudo-scientifique

Le Conseil publie une lettre ouverte d’universitaires russes contre l’utilisation de la pseudo-science comme outil judiciaire.

L’avis de l’examen destructif a été présenté au tribunal le 3 mai 2023. Cet avis est devenu le motif de l’arrestation et de la détention de la metteuse en scène de théâtre Evguénia Berkovich et de la dramaturge Svetlana Petriïtchouk.

Le texte a été composé par un groupe de personnes​ : Roman Silantyev (il apparaît dans le dossier en tant que «​ historien, érudit religieux-destructologue​ »), Galina Khizryeva («​ linguiste-destructologue​ ») et Héléna Zamychévskya («​ destructologue, ​ psychologue clinicienne, sociologue​ »). Ils sont tous employés de l’Université linguistique d’Etat de Moscou où en 2018 on a créé le laboratoire de destructologie, science appliquée qui étudie les entités les plus dangeureuses.

La destructologie ne figure pas dans les domaines normatifs de la science et de l’enseignement qui sont reconnus officiellement en Russie. Elle n’apparaît pas également dans le milieu scientifique international. Les publications sur le sujet sont limitées par les ouvrages d’un seul auteur (de Roman Silantyev).

Une nouvelle science ne naît pas parce que quelqu’un la proclame (comme dans le cas avec la destructologie), mais en faisant des découvertes reconnues par la communauté scientifique. Cela ne s’est pas produit. Et dans ce cas, la destructologie ressemble à telles pseudo-sciences comme somatypologie (divination par la forme du corps), Design Humain (nouvelle astrologie) et génétique linguistico-ondulatoire (ADN-hologramme).

La participation des personnes avec des vues pseudo-scientifiques et antiscientifiques aux analyses humanitaires pour les audiences est inacceptable. Ainsi ces analyses induisent en erreur. Nous notons en particulier que cela s’accompagne d’une augmentation des centres pareils au «​ Laboratoire de destructologie​ » qui réunit des personnes avec des vues pseudo-scientifiques mais qui reçoivent des commandes pour des expertises officielles publiques ce qui mène à la legitimation des domaines pseudo-scientifiques.

Ces dernières années, de nombreuses décisions erronées ont été prises sur la base d’une « expertise » similaire. Cela nuit non seulement à la vie des individus et de leurs familles, mais aussi à l’image du pays, de son système judiciaire et de la science russe en général.

Le vrai but de la science est de décrire et d’étudier l’objet de la recherche de manière impartiale, pas d’identifier les ennemis de la société. Les tentatives de présenter la situation différemment entraînent d’importantes distorsions sociales.

Les personnes souhaitant signer l’appel sont priées d’envoyer un courriel à Anna Kuleshova, présidente du Conseil: kuleshova@publication-ethics.ru

UPD: Les signatures sont ajoutées au fur et à mesure qu’elles sont reçues et traitées. 204 scientifiques ont signé cette lettre ouverte à ce jour.

Liste des signataires:

  • Alexander Chaplik, physicist, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Yuri Kostitsyn, geochemist, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Mikhail DanilovDr. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Sergei Stishov, professor, Dr. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Evgeny Alexandrov, D. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chairman of the Commission on Pseudoscience RAS
  • Fyodor Uspensky, D. Sci. in Philology, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Olga Solomina, D. Sci. in Geography, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Roman Mizuk, particle physicist, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Nikolay Rosanov, physicist, Chief Research Associate of Ioffe Institute RAS
  • Anna Pichkhadze, D. Sci. in Philology, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Svetlana Burlak, D. Sci. in Philology, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Leading Research Associate of the Institute of Oriental Studies RAS
  • Andrey Desnitsky, D. Sci. in Philology, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Vasily Vlassov, D. Sci. in Medicine, Vice President of the Russian Society for Evidence-Based Medicine
  • Alexandra Arkhipova, Cand. Sci. in Philology, Senior Research Associate of the Centre of Theoretical Folklore Studies of RANEPA
  • Anna Kuleshova, Cand. Sci. in Sociology, Council on the Ethics of Scientific Publications (Russia)
  • Larisa Melikhova, Cand. Sci. in in Physics and Mathematics, Project Manager in “Dissernet” community
  • Andrei Rostovtsev, physicist, co-founder of “Dissernet” volunteer network community
  • Nikolai Podosokorsky, Cand. Sci. in Philology, Senior Research Associate of the Research Centre “F.M. Dostoyevsky and the World Culture” of IWL RAS
  • Alexander Panchin, Cand. Sci. in Biology, Senior Research Associate of Institute of Information Transmission Problems RAS (Kharkevich Institute), member of the Commission on Pseudoscience RAS
  • Alexei Kassian, D. Sci. in Philology, comparativist
  • Dmitry Dubrovsky, Cand. Sci. in History, Faculty Member of the Faculty of Social Sciences in Charles University, Prague
  • Petr Talantov, member of the The RAS Commission for Counteracting the Falsification of Scientific Research
  • Georgy Kurakin, biologist, science communicator, Member of the Royal Society of Biology
  • Irina Kostyuchenko, Cand. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics
  • Andrey Zayakin, Cand. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics, co-founder of “Dissernet” volunteer network community
  • Andrey Kozlov, D. Sci. in Biology, Leading Research Associate of Lomonosov Moscow State University
  • Iskender Yasaveev, sociologist, D. Sci. in Sociology, specialist on social constructionism problems, theory, construction, and discourse of social problems, media, and deviant acitivies, repressive criminal policy as a social problem
  • Maria Kozlova, Cand. Sci. in History, Associate Professor of National Research University Higher School of Economist
  • Veronika Kostenko, Cand. Sci. in Sociology
  • Mikhail Gelfand, D. Sci. in Biology, Professor, Member of Academia Europaea, Member of the RAS Commission for science popularization
  • Boris Shtern, physicist, D. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics
  • Irina Starodubovskaya, Cand. Sci. in Economics
  • Michail Maiatsky, University of Geneva, associated scholar, laboratory LABEAC
  • Olga Krokinskaya, D. Sci. in Sociology, Professor
  • Anastasia Novkunskaya, PhD in Social Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Sociology of European University in Saint-Petersburg
  • Tatyana Schmankevich, Cand. Sci. in Sociology
  • Vadim Lurye, D. Sci. in Plilosophy
  • Viktor Vasiliev, D. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Sergey Zenkin, D. Sci. in Philology, Member of Academia Europaea
  • Alexander Kabanov, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor of the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill
  • Evgeny Amelchenko, Cand. Sci. in Biology, neurobiologist
  • Olesya Kirtchik, PhD in Sociology, National Centre of Scientific Research (CNRS, France), Leading Research Associate of National Research University Higher School of Economics till March 2022
  • Maria Akhmetova, Cand. Sci. in Philology, Senior Researcher at RANEPA
  • Oleg Voskoboynikov, D. Sci. in History, Tenured Professor of National Research University Higher School of Economics
  • Vladislav Paverman, Cand. Sci. in Geology and Mineralogy, Institute of the Earth Crust SB RAS
  • Victoria Leghkikh, Cand. Sci. in Philology, Technical University Munich
  • Ksenia Eritsyan, Cand. Sci. in Psychology, Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology, Saint-Petersburg School of Social Sciences and Area Studies of National Research University Higher School of Economics
  • Evgenii Kurbatov, Cand. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics
  • Alexander Lifshits, Cand. Sci. in Philology
  • Alexei Oskolski, D. Sci. in Biology, Komarov Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (BIN RAS), University of Johannesburg
  • Polina Volkova, D. Sci. in Biology
  • Maria Yelenevskaya, Cand. Sci. in Philology, Technion-IIT
  • Konstantin Sonin, Cand. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics, Professor at the University of Chicago
  • Alexander Dmitriev, PhD in Sociology, University of Manchester
  • German Zhigachyov, Professor, Cand. Sci. in Pedagogy
  • Viktor Selyutin, Cand. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics, Leading Researcher of the Southern Scientific Centre RAS (Rostov-on-Don)
  • Vladislav Degtyaryov, Candidate of Culturology, Senior Researcher at the Institute of Human Philosophy of the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
  • Shimon Iakerson, D. Sci. in History
  • Irina Antoschuk, Research Associate at the STS Centre of European University at Saint-Petersburg
  • Andrei Kirillov, Candidate of History of Arts, theatrologist
  • Svetlana Kozhayeva, Candidate of History of Arts
  • Maksim Golovanov, PhD, D. Sci. in Philology
  • Larisa Fialkova, Professor at the The Department of Hebrew & Comparative Literature, University of Haifa
  • Georgy Levinton, Professor Emeritus of Anthropological Dept. European University at St. Petersburg
  • Andronik Arutyunov, Cand. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics, Senior Researcher at the Institute of Control Sciences RAS, Co-Chair of «University Solidarity» Trade Union
  • Leonid Chubarov, Andrey Tsaturyan, Professor
  • Oleg Khukhlayev, Cand. Sci. in Psychology
  • Alexander Zorin, Cand. Sci. in Philology, Orientalist, employee of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
  • Roman Suleymanov, Cand. Sci. in Medicine, Associate Professor at the Department of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology
  • Alexander Nozik, Cand. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics, Director of the Scientific Programming Centre of MIPT
  • Andrey Tsaturyan, D. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics, biophysicist
  • Dmitry Rogozin, Cand. Sci. in Sociology
  • Alexandra Veselova, D. Sci. in Philology, Senior Researcher, Institute of Russian Literature RAS (Pushkin House)
  • Sergey Shokarev, Cand. Sci. in History
  • Yulia Fedotova, Cand. Sci. in Law
  • Olga Sedakova, Cand. Sci. in Philology, Academician of the Ambrosian Academy
  • Aleksander Shubin, Cand. Sci. in History
  • Sergey Chernykh, D. Sci. in Economics, Professor, Chief Researcher at the Institute of Economics RAS
  • Igor Sokolov, physicist, University of Michigan
  • Roman Gorodnichev, Junior Researcher at the Yuri M. Lopukhin Federal Research Centre for Medical and Biological Chemistry at the FMBA Russia
  • Andrey Moskvitin, Cand. Sci. in Philosophy, Associate Professor
  • Alexander Yermalitsky, Cand. Sci. in Medicine
  • Elena Sergusheva, archaeologist, Cand. Sci. in History
  • Mikhail Tamm, Cand. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics
  • Sergey Mylnikov, Cand. Sci. in Biology, Soros’ Associate Professor
  • Pavel Kolosnitsyn, archaeologist, researcher at Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University
  • Mikhail Gorshkov, Cand. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics, Cand. Sci. in Engineering, Head of the V.L. Talrose Institute of Petrochemical Physics RAS
  • Leonid Zhmud, D. Sci. in Philosophy, historian
  • Ulyana Neklyudova, Cand. Sci. in biology
  • Yulia Anokhina, Cand. Sci. in Philology, independent theatre and film researcher
  • Yulia Florinskaya, Cand. Sci. in Geography
  • Alexey Bobrovsky, D. Sci. in Chemistry, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Dmitriy Rudenkin, Cand. Sci. in Sociology
  • Alexei Chernyshev, D. Sci. in Biology, Chief Researcher at A.V. Zhirmunsky National Scientific Center of Marine Biology
  • Mikhail Sokolov, Cand. Sci. in Sociology
  • Mikhail Vysotsky, physicist, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Ksenia Fedosova, Cand. Sci. in Philology, anthropologist, educator, independent researcher
  • Olga Efremova, Cand. Sci. in Chemistry, Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry
  • Alexander Balobanov, Cand. Sci. in Philosophy
  • Sergei Troitsky, Cand. Sci. in Philosophy
  • Yuri Pustovoyt, Cand. Sci. in Political Science, Leading Researcher at the Centre for the Study of Social Problems of Modern Youth, Siberian Institute of Management (branch of the RANEPA)
  • Nikolai Koposov, D. Sci. in Philosophy
  • Andrei Kalinichev, physicist, Cand. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics
  • Nikolai Borisov, D. Sci. in Engineering
  • Alexander Zelnitsky, Cand. Sci. in Philosophy, Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Philosophy of Saint Petersburg State University
  • Olga Mitrenina, Cand. Sci. in Philology, Associate Professor, linguist
  • Andrei Borodikhin, Cand. Sci. in Philology, Leading Researcher, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Alexander Kobrinsky, D. Sci. in Philology, Professor
  • Elena Iarskaya-Smirnova, Cand. Sci. in Sociology, Head of the International Laboratory for Social Integration Research at the National Research University Higher School of Economics
  • Alexander Artyukhov, Cand. Sci. in Biology, Researcher at Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University
  • Pavel Kudyukin, Cand. Sci. in Political Science, historian, sociologist, co-chair of the «University Solidarity» trade union
  • Mikhail Filippov, Professor of Political Science, Binghamton University.
  • Igor Medvedev, oceanologist, Cand. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics, Leading Researcher at the Shirshov Institute of Oceanology RAS
  • Lyubov Davydkina, Cand. Sci, in Psychology
  • Alexei Timofeev, Cand. Sci. in Biology, physician, biologist
  • Yulia Prozorova, Cand. Sci. in Sociology
  • Oleg Lekmanov, D. Sci. in Philology
  • Alexander Sherstobitov, Cand. Sci. in Political Science
  • Sofia Andreeva, Researcher at the Institute of Archaeology of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
  • Oleg Mironov, Ph.D., psychologist, UNESCO Chair in Technical and Vocational Education and Training
  • Katarina Muradyan, Cand. Sci. in Philology, member of the Moscow Union of Writers, member of the Moscow Union of Journalists
  • Karim Khaliullin, Cand. Sci. in Philology, Senior Lecturer at the Higher School of Economics (Saint-Petersburg)
  • Svyatoslav Polyakov, Cand. Sci. in Sociology
  • Tamara Markarova, Cand. Sci, in Philology, Associate Professor
  • Vladimir Khutarev-Garnishevsky, Cand. Sci. in History
  • Elvira Gepting, Cand. Sci. in Philology
  • Sergei Erofeev, sociologist, Rutgers University, USA (former Vice Rector of the National Research University Higher School of Economics)
  • Svetlana Korolyova, Cand. Sci. in Philology
  • Tatiana Krasavchenko, Cand. Sci. in Philology
  • Elena Pivovarova, Cand. Sci. in Biology
  • Pavel Petrukhin, Cand. Sci. in Philology
  • Elena Timofeeva, Cand. Sci. in Biology
  • Mikhail Lashkevich, Cand. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics, Researcher, Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics RAS
  • Yana Solovieva, Cand. Sci. in Philology, folklore scientist
  • Evgeny Lysenko, biologist, Cand. Sci. in Biology
  • Natalia Nepomnyashchishchih, Cand. Sci. in Philology, Senior Researcher, Institute of Philology SB RAS
  • Ekaterina Amerik, D. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics, mathematician
  • Tatyana Glushko, Cand. Sci. in Geography
  • Kira Kovalenko, Cand. Sci. in Philology, Researcher at Institute for Linguistic Studies RAS
  • Yury Yershov, lawyer, Cand. Sci. in Law
  • Alexander Arkhipov, linguist, Cand. Sci. in Philology
  • Leonid Golub, physicist, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Sergey Bershitsky, Cand. Sci. in Biology, biophysicist
  • Alexander Kukalev, Cand. Sci. in Biology, Researcher at Berlin Institute for Medical Systems Biology
  • Vitaly Zimin, clinical psychologist
  • Sergey Starikov, Cand. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics
  • Pavel Polyan, Professor, D. Sci. in Geography
  • Svetlana Kleiner, Cand. Sci. in Philology
  • Vladimir Blinov, D. Sci. in Biology, Professor at the Department of Historical and Political Sciences, Tomsk State University
  • Mikhail Rozanov, Cand. Sci. in Biology, Assistant Professor at the Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University
  • Ekaterina Fok, Cand. Sci. in Chemistry, Senior Researcher at Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry RAS
  • Elena Berezovich, D. Sci. in Philology, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Timur Maisak, linguist, Cand. Sci. in Philology
  • Ekaterina Bichun, MD, neurologist, Cand. Sci. in Medicine
  • Sergei Nikolaev, D. Sci. in Philology, Reading Researcher at the Institute of Slavic Studies RAS
  • Leonid Gurwits, astrophysicist, professor, Member of the International Academy of Astronautics
  • Denis Pashchenko, Cand. Sci. in Engineering, MBA, doctoral candidate in Economics
  • Dmitriy Musolin, D. Sci. in Biology, Associate Professor
  • Anton Rasin, Cand. Sci. in Chemistry
  • Nadezhda Ershova, Cand. Sci. in Philosophy, Associate Professor
  • Dmitry Sukhoruchkin, Researcher, Leading Engineer, Institute for Problems in Mechanics RAS
  • Nikolai Rozov, D. Sci. in Philosophy, Professor
  • Alexander Krivoshey, Cand. Sci. degree applicant, Department of Philosophy, Saint Petersburg State University
  • Valentina Tanailova, social anthropologist, Researcher at Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology RAS
  • Georgy Cherepenko, Cand. Sci. in Law, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics of State University of Education, Leading Forensic Expert at ANO “Sudebny Expert”
  • Irina Popravko, Social Anthropologist, Cand. Sci. in History, Associate Professor at Tomsk State University
  • Yuri Shubik, D. Sci. in Medicine, Professor
  • Pavel Kostogryzov, Cand. Sci. in History
  • Alexander Kuznetsov, D. Sci. in Biology
  • Igor Sivaev, D. Sci. in Chemistry
  • Alexander Zheltov, D. Sci. in Philology
  • Nataliya Kondratova, Cand. Sci. in Psychology
  • Elena Zheltova, D. Sci. in Philology
  • Vladimir Magun, Cand. Sci. in Psychology, sociologist
  • Alexandra Panyutina, Cand. Sci. in Biology
  • Ekaterina Afanasyeva, Cand. Sci. in Law, Associate Professor at Moscow State University
  • Margarita Gorokhova, Cand. Sci. in Psychology, Associate Professor, psychologist
  • Dina Stepanova, Cand. Sci. in Medicine, pharmacologist
  • Tatyana Skorokhodova, D. Sci. in Philosophy, Cand. Sci. in History
  • Stanislav Ivanov, Cand. Sci. in Engineering
  • Anna Dybo, D. Sci. in Philology, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Nadezhda Buylova, Cand. Sci. in Philology
  • Ivan Shirobokov, anthropologist, Cand. Sci. in History
  • Sergey Bogdanoff, Cand. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics, physicist, Supervisor of the Experimental Physics Club of the RAS Centre for Science in Chernogolovka
  • Natalia Ryzhova, D. Sci. in Economics, Professor of the Russian Academy of Science
  • Salavat Abylkalikov, PhD in Sociology, Demographer
  • Pavel Lebedev, Cand. Sci. in History, Associate Professor, Russian State University for the Humanities
  • Nataliya Rushkevich, molecular biologist, Shemyakin-Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry RAS
  • Arseniy Shabanov, Junior Researcher at the Institute for Nuclear Research RAS, Faculty Member at Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
  • Anton Morkovin, biologist, Zoological Museum of Moscow State University, Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten
  • Sergei Valkov, Cand. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor of the Physics Department, lawyer, human rights defender
  • Sergei Popov, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, ICTP (Trieste, Italy)
  • Dinara Gagarina, Cand. Sci. in Education, Digital Humanities researcher
  • Sergey Chernyshov, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Research Fellow, National Research Tomsk State University
  • Alexey Filin, Cand. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Temple University, Philadelphia
  • Yury Ilinsky, Cand. Sci. in Biology, geneticist
  • Maiya Yadova, Cand. Sci. in Sociology
  • Ivan Maximov, Associate Professor, Lund University, Sweden
  • Mikhail Nikitin, senior researcher, A.N. Belozerky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology
  • Ilya Zubarev, Cand. Sci. in Biology, Cell Signaling Regulation Laboratory
  • Daria Andreeva, neuroscientist, Researcher at Biomed X Institute
  • Vladimir Popov, Cand. Sci. in Biology, Head of the Translational Medicine Laboratory, Faculty of Medicine, Moscow State University
  • Nikolai Nikitin, physicist, Associate Professor, Cand. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics
  • Anton Karpishkov, theoretical physicist, Cand. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics

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